Green Thumb at 60: How I Started My Gardening Journey With Raised Beds and Pots and Containers by Cathy Harris (available as an e-book and paperback) E-book How Will You Stay Motivated To Keep Growing Foods Most of you saw 'first-hand' in my gardening journey, what I did to stay motivated and to become a successful gardener such as: Got Family Involved: If you truly want to get motivated and stay motivated while growing foods, get others around you involved. You can do this with family members, friends and neighbors. Got Mentor: I did not only attend regular, local FREE natural gardening center meetings and classes, the instructors there, both a man and woman, served as my mentor. Started My Own Garden Club: I started my own garden club "Cathy Harris Garden Club" ( ) and laid out every step aspiring gardeners could take by writ...
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